Electa has been the strongest sustaining storm in the past four years, perhaps the most severe since 1900. While the atmospheric pressure of our nation typically rises to potential tempest level every four years, none has to date flooded us with such violent waves and disruptive winds as Electa. Of course, you can see through my flimsy and inadequate metaphor. In my simple mind Electa is actually Election 2020, the
pressurized system that continues to pose hazardous conditions in the population centers of our nation. Electa has raised temperatures, created dangerous currents, clouded human relationships, and blinded the vision of many citizens. It has produced squalls and disturbances in the vast ocean of American life. Today Electa lingers as the professionals plot its course and diagnose its potential landfall. Storm Central warns of its continued threat.
So, yes, we've all blanched at the strong pulse of energy Electa has sent through our atmosphere. Early in development Electa generated waves of opinion and dissent in the waters of American life. Studies of the troposphere have given us insight into the mysteries of storm life. And, we must learn from them---
1. Electa has gained the attention of more Americans than any like storm.
More Americans voted in Election 2020 than any time in American history. While the actual number of ballots is yet to be determined, it is believe that more than 161+ million Americans voted in this election. The candidates and party platforms have influenced more of our population than ever before. Electa swept us to the polls.
2. Electa has proven the sharp division that exists in the American population.
Political analysts insist that the American voting population is not divided, However, the vote count, which continues to this day, indicates that the candidates and parties have created division in our political systems. The Democratic candidate for President of the United States has received, based on current ballot count, more than 78 million votes, while the Republican has received more than 73 million votes. Each presented a vastly different vision for our nation. Like it or not, we are divided in political concept.
3. Electa reminds us of the biblical truth of human nature.
The continuing threat of storm Electa is realized in the truth of human nature. There are warnings and study of voter fraud and illegal balloting that will keep us guessing until each state announces final ballot count results. On December 14 the electoral college votes will be tabulated and announced. The inauguration of the new President will occur on January 20, 2021. Until those dates, election and government officials will count, recount, and deal with legal challenges about the vote. All of these are elements of our human nature, that is, to do what is necessary to accomplish what we desire, whether legal or out of bounds or moral. We humans can complicate any organized and noble system. Jesus reminded his followers, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander" (Matthew 15: 19, ESV). Electa certifies this truth.
4. Electa verifies our need for trust in God.
Scripture teaches the fallibility of human thought and our need for God to guide and direct us. Solomon wrote, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths" (Proverbs 3: 506, ESV). This truth underlies all that we do, and especially as we encounter the storms of life. Electa is certainly a storm.
5. Electa underscores our need to practice what we believe.
Well, yes, I'm talking about this Christian worldview and the challenge of living at peace in a world of sharp division. We've witnessed violent interactions between people with varying religious, political, social, racial, and cultural views. People of faith, at the least, should model the mind of Christ in a society at odds. Jesus taught his disciples, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid" (john 14:27, ESV). The Apostle Paul amplified this truth when he wrote to the Roman Christians, "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all" (Romans 12: 18, ESV). Living this life is a means of countering the strong forces of storms like Electa.
Electa, the most visible and threatening storm of 2020.
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