On January 27, 2017, I used an unlicensed photograph as a focal piece in my blog, Sorting through the Mess. It was a fabulous photograph of a woman covered in mail. It correctly and accurately depicted the idea of the blog that day, the reality that we moderns have to sort through the mail, phone calls, news sources, and the evils of our own depraved hearts to get to the meaning of life. The blog that day was about more than a pile of mail, but the photo was a great intro to the topic of being covered with sources of information these days. The picture is the excellent work of Kevin Haislip of Haislip Creative in Waxahachie, Texas. Since I did not have his permission to use the picture I violated copy-right infringement statutes. I am deeply grateful for Mr. Haislip bringing this oversight to my attention and for his gracious Christian spirit in permitting the photograph to continue on the January 27 blog page.
Since learning of this mistake I had the opportunity to visit the Haislip Creative website and review Mr. Haislip's additional design work. Yes, i know envy in another sin but there are many times when I wish for that kind of creative talent. Us ideators would love to be able to portray our ideas in pictures. Also, as a result of Mr. Haislip's suggestion, I have purchased a licensing agreement with www.123rf.com for access to thousands of properly license photographs.
Know my gratitude for your readership and prayers for a blessed Resurrection Sunday.