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Reality calling, or Welcome to La La Land

Welcome to La La Land. The first chapters of Election 2016 have been fantasy enough for most voters. Seventeen Republican candidates not only stretched the stage of all of the debate venues but also the capacity of voters to comprehend the circus showtime of this political season. The comedy is no less tantalizing now that the field is down to three. Donald Trump in the mix adds a mondo bizarro sheen to the whole thing. That so many of our neighbors are pledged to him is just surreal. So, it's time to get real about election 2016. Reality is calling. Or, we're getting comfortable in La La Land.

There's growing myth about Donald Trump and it's time a good many voters paused over some reality check truth about this mysterious billionaire. One of the myths that is so attractive to rank and file voters in both parties is that he's a political outsider. Disaffected voters have been energized and activated during the primaries because he's not part of the stagnant political process that has our country in such a mess. Voting lines is state primaries and caucuses swelled in the Republican ranks because the myth about Mr. Trump's outsider status makes him attractive to ordinary people. One of the most puzzling aspects of the whole thing is his favor among so-called evangelicals in the primary and caucus states. So, let me address the myth of his outsider status from two angles.

1. Myths have no place in a Christian worldview. Google "myth" in your favorite Bible

concordance and make note of the many passages that warn of myths being a

sub-text of faith.

As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you

may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote

themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations

rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith.

1 Timothy 1:3-4, ESV

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having

itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own

passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into


2 Timothy 4:3-4, ESV

And, there are others. A clear distinctive of evangelical faith is knowing the one who is the truth, Jesus Christ the Lord, and being set free from the allure of fantasies and myths that cloud our decision making. Scripture gives us the privilege of asking God for wisdom in living the precepts of our faith (see Jame 1:5) and depending on him to give it as he promised. In the same way, Jesus cautioned his disciples about living the Christian life in this harsh, deceptive world---

Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as

serpents and innocent as doves.

Matthew 10:16, ESV

As this election cycle moves into the next phase, evangelicals must pursue true wisdom in the stewardship of the franchise. it's time for us all to get real about the important decisions regarding our leaders at every level of government.

2. Mr. Trump is no outsider. It really doesn't require much in-depth study to discover his place among America's most elite citizens. A few minutes at will reveal that Mr. Trump is an insider in many categories of our society more exclusive than any political rankings. They say Donald Trump is the----

113th richest billionaire in the United States

72nd most powerful person in America

121st person on the Forbes 400 lit

30th on the Forbes Celebrity 100

Just to mention a few of the markers that distinguish his position in the American scheme. These notations alone gives him instant access and face-time to every politician and political operative in our government systems at every level. While it is true he has not held elected office or is a member of our ineffective Congress, voters cannot believe that he lives outside the influence of the rich and powerful. Because of his notoriety and wealth he can influence the councils of government like very few citizens. Therefore, the myth that he's not part of the system that makes this nation click is naivete to an extreme. He's connected more than most of us. He's part of the problem already.

The Republican National Convention is July 18-21, 2016. This means we have time to get real about this election. Or, we have time to prepare for more La La Land. Reality is calling, and an informed electorate must be ready to answer.

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