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Writer's picturesonnyholmes

About the seasons

There's a good bit about the seasons in Scripture. Virtually every reference is about the four weather seasons. They begin in the Bible with of the arrangement of the sun and moon in creation whose movement regulates night and day and serves as "...signs and for the seasons..." (Genesis 1:14, ESV). Throughout are reminders of who controls the seasons and even of the final season of life, the kingdom and judgment.

In the New Testament there was criticism of the legalists observance of the Jewish seasons and their reliance on these rituals as their source of righteousness. Luke wrote in Acts about the mystery of the seasons, and the human inability to accurately predict them. Just as often, an agrarian culture depended on the seasons to define the cycle of life---planting, waiting, harvesting. Then, of course, there were several mentions of seasoning, the flavorings and spicing of foods, as in the salt of the earth.

We've been laughing recently about applying some of the Scriptures about the seasons to the beginning of college football last Thursday. Paul told Timothy to---

" ready in season and out of season"

2 Timothy 4:2, ESV

I told a young woman in the grocery line that I was biblically obedient because I prepared in season. She said, seriously, "I hate to tell you, that's not about football". Well, duh? She was kidding wasn't she?

More to the point, I told someone else that no one needed to notify me about the beginning of college football season. With the Apostle Paul, I'm ready. He wrote---

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to

have anything written to you.

1 Thessalonians 5:1, ESV

No, I'm ready.

Go Dogs!

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